Jan 17, 2010

Winning in life!

So now I have updated my Blog to something more used and much more relevant to all my followers whoever you may be I am in Go ministries an amazing place. www.goministries.net I'm going to keep you updated on things the Lord God is speaking to me etc plus sweet testimonies etc.

For anyone who is curious Go ministries is like the sweetest ministry ever challenging you in ways you could hardly even think possible. Plus the results speak for themselves. We are putting out interns that are capable of impressing ministers of the gospel such as Mac Hammond of Living Word Christian Center in Brooklyn Park Minnesota, John Bevere, Kenneth Copeland and the like. Call us what you want but these fellow interns are my family my best friends and some of the most Christ driven people on the entire planet! While I don't have the time now or anything really to put down but ASAP I will have some good stuff up to keep you winning in life.

You win if you don't quit!